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001講座的緣起 2020-08-06 11-43-34 (15:29)
002繪畫Concept 2020-08-06 12-19-14 (1:40)
003 軟毛畫筆 soft brush 2020-08-06 12-54-29 (2:28)
004 硬毛畫筆 Hard Brush 2020-08-06 12-58-33 (3:47)
005 圓頭畫筆 Round Brush 2020-08-06 13-04-50 (2:53)
006 貓舌畫筆 Filbert 2020-08-06 13-08-57 (1:49)
007 平頭畫筆 Flat 2020-08-06 13-11-53 (2:04)
008 尼龍毛畫筆 Synthetic 2020-08-06 13-15-06 (3:04)
009 大型畫刷 Big Brush 2020-08-06 13-19-02 (1:18)
010 中國毛筆 Chinese brush2020-08-06 17-01-59 (0:48)
011 貂毛畫筆 Sable Brush2020-08-06 17-05-27 (0:49)
012 日本製畫刷 Hake Brush2020-08-06 17-06-57 (0:34)
013 扇形畫筆 Fan Brush 2020-08-06 17-08-38 (1:11)
014 粗毛清潔刷 Stipple Brush 2020-08-06 17-10-31 (1:08)
015 棒畫刷 Stenciling Brush 2020-08-06 17-14-18 (1:13)
016 合成水拖 Synthetic Painting Pad2020-08-06 17-17-16 (0:56)
017海綿 Sponges 2020-08-06 17-19-04 (0:33)
018 玻璃清潔刮板 Window Cleaner Squeegee2020-08-06 17-20-31 (0:54)
019 擋風玻璃清潔拖 Car Windshield Scraper 2020-08-06 17-22-23 (0:27)
020 塑膠製刮板 Plastic pads 2020-08-06 17-23-26 (0:47)
021 顏料滾筒 Roller 2020-08-06 17-26-15 (2:29)
022 調色盤油畫刀 Palette Knife 2020-08-06 17-30-04 (2:40)
023 噴筆和噴槍 Air Brushes 2020-08-06 17-41-26 (3:29)
024 調色盤 Palette 2020-08-06 17-54-26 (3:42)
025 油盒油壺 Dippers 2020-08-06 18-00-46 (2:02)
026 其他調色碟 Other Mixing Plate 2020-08-06 18-03-49 (0:53)
027 繪畫腕杖 Mahlsticks 2020-08-06 18-07-57 (3:59)
028 毛巾和布料 Cloths 2020-08-06 18-13-57 (1:27)
029 各類畫紙 Papers 2020-08-06 20-20-19 (8:26)
030 各類金屬製畫板 Metal Panels 2020-08-06 20-31-32 (3:47)
031 木製畫版 Woods 2020-08-06 20-40-13 (6:39)
032 畫布 Canvas 2020-08-06 20-51-23 (11:12)
033 畫架 Easels 2020-08-06 21-06-30 (1:53)
034 鉛筆 Pencils2020-08-06 21-13-09 (7:56)
034F木製顏色鉛筆 oloured Pencils 2020-08-07 10-13-22 (4:16)
035 乾粉彩 Soft Pastels2020-08-07 10-23-10 (7:07)
036 油粉彩 Oil Pastels 2020-08-07 10-32-41 (2:50)
037 古典粉彩 Conte Pastel 2020-08-07 10-41-24 (2:12)
038 古典粉彩 Carre Pastels 2020-08-07 10-44-29 (0:40)
039 炭筆炭條 Charcoals 2020-08-07 10-51-50 (4:47)
040 紙擦筆 Paper Stump2020-08-07 10-59-32 (1:50)
041 銀尖筆 Silver Point 2020-08-07 11-06-05 (1:58)
044 刮刻板畫 Scratchboard2020-08-07 11-09-12 (1:26)
045 ink 2020-08-07 11-12-10 (3:30)
046 中國式毛筆 Chinese Brush 2020-08-07 11-20-27 (2:39)
047 水粉畫 不透明水彩 廣告彩 Gouache 2020-08-07 11-43-39 (2:44)
048 透明水彩 古典水容顏料 Watercolour 2020-08-07 11-48-08 (4:53)
049 塑膠 壓克力混合水粉彩 Acrylic Gouache 2020-08-07 11-55-30 (0:58)
050 蛋彩畫 坦培拉繪畫法 Egg Tempera 2020-08-07 12-05-46 (1:39)
Art Lesson
Michael Andrew Law Dojo's Art Lesson
002繪畫Concept 2020-08-06 12-19-14 (1:40)
003soft brush 2020-08-06 12-54-29 (2:28)
004Hard Brush 2020-08-06 12-58-33 (3:47)
005 Round Brush 2020-08-06 13-04-50 (2:53)
006Filbert 2020-08-06 13-08-57 (1:49)
007 Flat 2020-08-06 13-11-53 (2:04)
008Synthetic 2020-08-06 13-15-06 (3:04)
009Big Brush 2020-08-06 13-19-02 (1:18)
010Chinese brush2020-08-06 17-01-59 (0:48)
011Sable Brush2020-08-06 17-05-27 (0:49)
012 Hake Brush2020-08-06 17-06-57 (0:34)
013Fan Brush 2020-08-06 17-08-38 (1:11)
014 Stipple Brush 2020-08-06 17-10-31 (1:08)
015Stenciling Brush 2020-08-06 17-14-18 (1:13)
016Synthetic Painting Pad2020-08-06 17-17-16 (0:56)
017Sponges 2020-08-06 17-19-04 (0:33)
018Window Cleaner Squeegee2020-08-06 17-20-31 (0:54)
019 Car Windshield Scraper 2020-08-06 17-22-23 (0:27)
020 Plastic pads 2020-08-06 17-23-26 (0:47)
021Roller 2020-08-06 17-26-15 (2:29)
022Palette Knife 2020-08-06 17-30-04 (2:40)
023Air Brushes 2020-08-06 17-41-26 (3:29)
024Palette 2020-08-06 17-54-26 (3:42)
025Dippers 2020-08-06 18-00-46 (2:02)
026Other Mixing Plate 2020-08-06 18-03-49 (0:53)
027Mahlsticks 2020-08-06 18-07-57 (3:59)
028Cloths 2020-08-06 18-13-57 (1:27)
029Papers 2020-08-06 20-20-19 (8:26)
030Metal Panels 2020-08-06 20-31-32 (3:47)
031Woods 2020-08-06 20-40-13 (6:39)
032 Canvas 2020-08-06 20-51-23 (11:12)
033 Easels 2020-08-06 21-06-30 (1:53)
034Pencils2020-08-06 21-13-09 (7:56)
035Soft Pastels2020-08-07 10-23-10 (7:07)
036Oil Pastels 2020-08-07 10-32-41 (2:50)
037Conte Pastel 2020-08-07 10-41-24 (2:12)
038Carre Pastels 2020-08-07 10-44-29 (0:40)
039 Charcoals 2020-08-07 10-51-50 (4:47)
040 Paper Stump2020-08-07 10-59-32 (1:50)
041 Silver Point 2020-08-07 11-06-05 (1:58)
044 Scratchboard2020-08-07 11-09-12 (1:26)
046 Chinese Brush 2020-08-07 11-20-27 (2:39)
047 Gouache 2020-08-07 11-43-39 (2:44)
048 Watercolour 2020-08-07 11-48-08 (4:53)
049 Acrylic Gouache 2020-08-07 11-55-30 (0:58)
050 Egg Tempera 2020-08-07 12-05-46 (1:39)
051 Acrylic paint 2020-08-07 12-11-27 (1:05)
052 Encaustic painting 2020-08-07 12-16-08 (2:21)
020 塑膠製刮板 Plastic pads 2020-08-06 17-23-26
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